Board Game Work
This tutorial introduces the BoardGameWork framework. The upcoming section discusses the core features and how to set up the first game scene. The running example implements the MauMau card game.
Table of contents
Each application starts with a BoardGameApplication instance. By default, the view controller class should inherit from BoardGameApplication.
class MauMauViewController : BoardGameApplication(windowTitle = "MauMau")
This creates a window in which the game can take place. For the game itself a BoardGameScene and a MenuScene is declared.
class MauMauViewController : BoardGameApplication(windowTitle = "MauMau") {
val mauMauMenuScene: MauMauMenuScene = MauMauMenuScene()
val mauMauGameScene: MauMauGameScene = MauMauGameScene()
class MauMauGameScene : BoardGameScene(background = ImageVisual("bg.jpg"))
class MauMauMenuScene : MenuScene(width = 300, height = 500, background = ColorVisual(Color.WHITE))
The menu scene gets a height of 500px and width of 300px while the game scene gets the default size of FullHD. The game scene gets an image as background and the menu scene solid white. To read more about visuals click here.
BoardGameScene and MenuScene
The MauMau example declares a game scene and a menu scene. In menu scenes draggable components are not usable, only LayoutViews and UIComponents: In other words /components that extend StaticComponentView.
A BoardGameApplication can display one BoardGameScene and one MenuScene at the same time. While the menu scene is visible, the game scene gets blurred out.
The scenes can be shown by calling showGameScene() and showMenuScene().
The window gets shown by calling show().
class MauMauViewController : BoardGameApplication(windowTitle = "MauMau") {
val mauMauMenuScene: MauMauMenuScene = MauMauMenuScene()
val mauMauGameScene: MauMauGameScene = MauMauGameScene()
init {
Declaring a MenuScene
As shown above, the desired size of the scene can be passed as an argument to the super constructor. As with all coordinates these are declared in a virtual coordinate space that will be transformed while rendering. Primary constraint while choosing the scene size is the ratio of height and width as this is not changed by scaling. If the ratio does not match the windows size, black bars will appear which can be styled using visuals as well.
All /components declared in this scene will relate its position and size to the declared coordinate space.
In this example a Label should display “Main menu” and three Buttons display “Continue”, “New Game” and “Exit”. These /components get declared and added to the scene by calling addComponents() in the initializer block.
class MauMauMenuScene : MenuScene(width = 300, height = 500, background = ColorVisual(Color.WHITE)) {
val continueGameButton: Button = Button(
height = 80,
width = 200,
posX = 50,
posY = 110,
text = "Continue",
font = Font(color = Color.WHITE, fontStyle = FontStyle.ITALIC),
visual = ImageVisual(BUTTON_BG_FILE)
val newGameButton: Button = Button(
height = 80,
width = 200,
posX = 50,
posY = 220,
text = "New Game",
font = Font(color = Color.WHITE, fontStyle = FontStyle.ITALIC),
visual = ImageVisual(BUTTON_BG_FILE)
val exitButton: Button = Button(
height = 80,
width = 200,
posX = 50,
posY = 330,
text = "Exit",
font = Font(color = Color.WHITE, fontStyle = FontStyle.ITALIC),
visual = ImageVisual(BUTTON_BG_FILE)
private val menuLabel: Label = Label(
height = 100,
width = 200,
posX = 50,
posY = 0,
text = "Main menu",
font = Font(fontWeight = Font.FontWeight.BOLD)
init {
Declaring a BoardGameScene
BoardGameScenes are the main /components of the game. BoardGameScenes behave just like menu scenes but can additionally contain GameComponentViews and GameContainerViews.
For the MauMau example two CardStacks and two player hands as LinearLayouts are necessary.
class MauMauGameScene : BoardGameScene(background = ImageVisual("bg.jpg")) {
val drawStack: CardStack<CardView> = CardStack(
height = 200,
width = 130,
posX = 750,
posY = 360,
visual = ColorVisual(255, 255, 255, 50)
val gameStack: CardStack<CardView> = CardStack(
height = 200,
width = 130,
posX = 1040,
posY = 360,
visual = ColorVisual(255, 255, 255, 50)
var currentPlayerHand: LinearLayout<CardView> = LinearLayout(
height = 220,
width = 800,
posX = 560,
posY = 750,
spacing = -50,
alignment = Alignment.CENTER,
visual = ColorVisual(255, 255, 255, 50)
var otherPlayerHand: LinearLayout<CardView> = LinearLayout<CardView>(
height = 220,
width = 800,
posX = 560,
posY = 50,
spacing = -50,
alignment = Alignment.CENTER,
visual = ColorVisual(255, 255, 255, 50)
).apply {
rotation = 180.0
init {
Event handler
When the application is started, both menu scene and game scene are shown. The game scene is blurred in the background.
To start a new game and close the menu scene, event handlers have to be added. As these button’s actions change the scene, the handlers get set in the view controller.
class MauMauViewController : BoardGameApplication(windowTitle = "MauMau") {
val mauMauMenuScene: MauMauMenuScene = MauMauMenuScene()
val mauMauGameScene: MauMauGameScene = MauMauGameScene()
init {
private fun registerMenuEvents() {
mauMauMenuScene.continueGameButton.onMouseClicked = {
mauMauMenuScene.newGameButton.onMouseClicked = {
//Start new game here
mauMauMenuScene.exitButton.onMouseClicked = {
Now after pressing the “New Game” button the menu scene is hidden and the game scene is active.