Camera Pane
A pane representing a camera view that can be used to display and manipulate a target layout view.
The x-coordinate of the camera pane's position on the screen. Default is 0.
The y-coordinate of the camera pane's position on the screen. Default is 0.
The width of the camera pane.
The height of the camera pane.
The visual representation of the camera pane. Default is an empty visual.
The target layout view that this camera pane will display.
The type of the target layout view. Must extend the LayoutView class.
Adds an offset to this ComponentView's Position.
Removes this component from its parent.
Repositions this ComponentView to the specified coordinates.
Rotates this ComponentView by the given number of degrees.
Scales this ComponentView by the given scalar.
Scales this ComponentView's width by the given scalar.
Scales this ComponentView's height by the given scalar.
Puts the ComponentView to the back inside its parent and Changes its zIndex accordingly.
Puts the ComponentView to the front inside its parent and Changes its zIndex accordingly.
The actual height for this ComponentView considering scale.
Horizontal position of this ComponentView considering scale.
Vertical position of this ComponentView considering scale.
The actual width for this ComponentView considering scale.
Returns whether this ComponentView is a valid drop target for the dragged component in the given DragEvent or not.
Property for the height of this ComponentView.
Property for the interactive state of the CameraPane.
Controls if user input events cause input functions of this ComponentView to get invoked.
Property that controls if user input events cause input functions of this ComponentView to get invoked.
Controls whether this ComponentView is focusable or not.
Property that controls whether this ComponentView is focusable or not.
Property for the visibility of this ComponentView.
Returns a CoordinatePlain containing the component's corner Coordinates and its layout bounds.
Gets invoked with a DragEvent whenever a drag and drop gesture finishes over this ComponentView and the dropAcceptor returns true
for the given DragEvent.
Gets invoked with a DragEvent whenever the mouse enters this ComponentView while performing a drag gesture.
Gets invoked with a DragEvent whenever the mouse leaves this ComponentView while performing a drag gesture.
Gets invoked with a KeyEvent whenever a key is pressed while this ComponentView has focus.
Gets invoked with a KeyEvent whenever a key is released while this ComponentView has focus.
Gets invoked with a KeyEvent whenever a Character is typed while this ComponentView has focus. Gets invoked after onKeyPressed.
Gets invoked with a MouseEvent whenever the mouse is clicked inside this ComponentView. Gets invoked after onMousePressed and onMouseReleased.
Gets invoked with a MouseEvent whenever the mouse enters this ComponentView.
Gets invoked with a MouseEvent whenever the mouse leaves this ComponentView.
Gets invoked with a MouseEvent whenever the mouse is pressed inside this ComponentView.
Gets invoked with a MouseEvent whenever the mouse is released inside this ComponentView.
Gets invoked with a ScrollEvent whenever the mouse wheel is turned while the mouse is inside this ComponentView.
Property for the opacity of this ComponentView.
Property for the horizontal position of this ComponentView.
Property for the vertical position of this ComponentView.
Property for the rotation of this ComponentView in degrees.
Property for the horizontal scale of this ComponentView.
Property for the vertical scale of this ComponentView.
Property for the width of this ComponentView.
Property for the order of ComponentView inside of parent.#
Property for the zoom state of the CameraPane.