Package tools. aqua. bgw. components. uicomponents
Baseclass for ToggleButtons and RadioButtons.
A simple Button with a text.
A simple CheckBox with a text.
A ColorPicker that allows to choose a Color.
A standard ComboBox that may be populated with items of specified type parameter.
A basic Label displaying text.
Baseclass for all UIComponents that have a label.
A ListView displaying its items next to each other in the given orientation.
Enum for orientations HORIZONTAL and VERTICAL.
A PasswordField is a single line input field that shows stars instead of typed text.
A ProgressBar.
RadioButton is analogous to a ToggleButton with a different visual representation but cannot be deselected.
Enum indicating allowed selection mode.
A StructuredDataView displaying its items with given format function.
A TableColumn may be used to represent a column in a TableView.
A TableView may be used to visualize a data table.
A TextArea is a multi line input field.
A TextField is a single line input field.
Baseclass for all UIComponents that have a text input field.
A ToggleButton may be used as a Button that is either selected or not selected. An important feature of ToggleButtons is the ToggleGroup.
A ToggleGroup may be set as an attribute in ToggleButton or RadioButton.
Baseclass for all UI components.