Package tools.aqua.bgw.visual


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open class ColorVisual(color: Color) : SingleLayerVisual

A solid color visual. Displays a rectangle filled with the given color.

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open class CompoundVisual(children: List<SingleLayerVisual>) : Visual

A compound visual containing stacked SingleLayerVisuals.

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open class ImageVisual(    image: BufferedImage,     width: Int = -1,     height: Int = -1,     offsetX: Int = 0,     offsetY: Int = 0,     val path: String = "") : SingleLayerVisual

Visual showing an Image.

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sealed class SingleLayerVisual : Visual

Baseclass for single layer visuals.

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open class TextVisual(    text: String,     font: Font = Font(),     alignment: Alignment = Alignment.CENTER,     offsetX: Number = 0,     offsetY: Number = 0) : SingleLayerVisual

A visual displaying text.

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sealed class Visual : Observable

Visual baseclass.