
open class BoardGameClient

BoardGameClient for network communication in BGW applications. Inherit from this class and override its open functions. By default, these do nothing if not overridden.



The server secret.


The desired network logging verbosity. Default: NetworkLogging.NO_LOGGING.


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fun connect(): Boolean

Connects to the remote server, blocking.

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fun createGame(gameID: String, greetingMessage: String)

Creates a new game session on the server by sending a CreateGameMessage. The session ID will be set automatically and returned through the onCreateGameResponse.

fun createGame(    gameID: String,     sessionID: String,     greetingMessage: String)

Creates a new game session on the server by sending a CreateGameMessage.

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fun disconnect()

Disconnects from the remote server.

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fun joinGame(sessionID: String, greetingMessage: String)

Joins an existing game session on the server by sending a JoinGameMessage.

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fun leaveGame(goodbyeMessage: String)

Leaves the current game session by sending a LeaveGameMessage.

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open fun onClose(    code: Int,     reason: String,     remote: Boolean)

Called after the websocket connection has been closed.

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open fun onCreateGameResponse(response: CreateGameResponse)

Called when server sent a CreateGameResponse after a CreateGameMessage was sent.

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open fun onError(throwable: Throwable)

Called when an error occurred. By default, this method throws the incoming exception. Override to implement error handling.

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open fun onGameActionReceived(message: GameAction, sender: String)

Called when an opponent sent a GameActionMessage. This method is supposed to act as a fallback solution if not for all Subclasses of GameAction a dedicated handler was registered using GameActionReceiver annotation.

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open fun onGameActionResponse(response: GameActionResponse)

Called when server sent a GameActionResponse after a GameActionMessage was sent.

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open fun onJoinGameResponse(response: JoinGameResponse)

Called when server sent a JoinGameResponse after a JoinGameMessage was sent.

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open fun onLeaveGameResponse(response: LeaveGameResponse)

Called when server sent a LeaveGameResponse after a LeaveGameMessage was sent.

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open fun onOpen()

Called after an opening handshake has been performed.

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open fun onPlayerJoined(notification: PlayerJoinedNotification)

Called when a player joined the session and the server sent a PlayerJoinedNotification.

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open fun onPlayerLeft(notification: PlayerLeftNotification)

Called when a player left the session and the server sent a PlayerLeftNotification.

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open fun onSpectatorJoined(notification: SpectatorJoinedNotification)

Called when a spectator joined the session and the server sent a SpectatorJoinedNotification.

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open fun onSpectatorJoinGameResponse(response: SpectatorJoinGameResponse)

Called when server sent a SpectatorJoinGameResponse after a SpectatorJoinGameMessage was sent.

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fun sendGameActionMessage(payload: GameAction)

Sends a GameActionMessage to all connected players.

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fun spectateGame(sessionID: String, greetingMessage: String)

Joins an existing game session as a spectator on the server by sending a SpectatorJoinGameMessage.


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val host: String

The server ip or hostname.

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val isOpen: Boolean

Returns the current state of connection.

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val playerName: String

The player name.