Drag and Drop

Table of contents
  1. Prior knowledge
  2. Component declaration
  3. Make a component draggable
  4. Make a component act as a target for a drag and drop gesture
  5. Useful hints when dealing with drag and drop
  6. Complete source code for the example

In this section we are going to create a fully functional step-by-step example for the drag and drop feature of the BGW framework.

The goal of this example is to create a scene with a red and a green token, and a red and a green area. It should only be possible to drag tokens into areas of the same color. Once the tokens have been dragged into a correct area, they should become non-draggable.

The complete source code for this example can be found here.

Prior knowledge

Knowledge about the following /components and /concepts is necessary for this tutorial.

Component declaration

To create a running example, the described /components are wrapped in a BoardGameApplication.

class DragAndDropExample : BoardGameApplication("Drag and drop example") {
  private val gameScene: BoardGameScene = BoardGameScene(background = ColorVisual.LIGHT_GRAY)

  private val redToken: TokenView = TokenView(posX = 20, posY = 20, visual = ColorVisual.RED)
  private val greenToken: TokenView = TokenView(posX = 20, posY = 200, visual = ColorVisual.GREEN)

  private val redArea: Area<TokenView> = Area(
      height = 50,
      width = 50,
      posX = 200,
      posY = 20,
      visual = ColorVisual(255, 0, 0, 100)

  private val greenArea: Area<TokenView> = Area(
      height = 50,
      width = 50,
      posX = 200,
      posY = 200,
      visual = ColorVisual(0, 255, 0, 100)

  init {
    //Drag and Drop code goes here

    gameScene.addComponents(redToken, greenToken, redArea, greenArea)

Make a component draggable

To start of with this drag and drop example, a draggable component has to be declared. In this case the redToken should be draggable. This can be achieved by setting the following property:

redToken.isDraggable = true

After performing the desired drag and drop gesture on the redToken it should then be non-draggable. In order to achieve that, the onDragGestureEnded event listener has to be adapted. After checking for a successful gesture, the isDraggable is set to false.

redToken.onDragGestureEnded = { _, success ->
    if (success) {
        redToken.isDraggable = false

The greenToken gets initialized accordingly:

greenToken.isDraggable = true
greenToken.onDragGestureEnded = { _, success ->
    if (success) {
        greenToken.isDraggable = false

Make a component act as a target for a drag and drop gesture

To fully enable the drag and drop gesture, another component that indicates, that the drag and gesture was a success has to be defined. To define accepting dropped /components, the dropAcceptor property needs to be set for the receiving component. The property should return whether this component is a valid drop target for the draggedComponent supplied in the DragEvent passed as an argument. In this instance the redArea should only be accepting the redToken, hence we only return true if the draggedComponent is a Token and is equal to the redToken.

redArea.dropAcceptor = { dragEvent ->
    when (dragEvent.draggedComponent) {
        is TokenView -> dragEvent.draggedComponent == redToken
        else -> false

Finally, to visually add the redToken to the redArea after it is successfully dropped, the onDragDropped of the redArea has to be adapted:

redArea.onDragDropped = { dragEvent ->
    redArea.add((dragEvent.draggedComponent as TokenView).apply { reposition(0, 0) })

The reposition function is applied to the draggedComponent, because Area does not have an automatic layout algorithm.

The greenArea gets initialized accordingly:

greenArea.dropAcceptor = { dragEvent ->
    when (dragEvent.draggedComponent) {
        is TokenView -> dragEvent.draggedComponent == greenToken
        else -> false
greenArea.onDragDropped = { dragEvent ->
    greenArea.add((dragEvent.draggedComponent as TokenView).apply { reposition(0, 0) })

Useful hints when dealing with drag and drop

  • dropAccpetor should not modify any state and only evaluate if the drag and drop gesture is valid
  • The order of invocation is as follows:
    • onDragGestureStarted on the dragged component
    • onDragGestureMoved on the dragged component, while the drag and drop gesture is in motion
    • dropAcceptor on all possible drop targets (components that are at the position of the mouse)
    • onDragDropped on all valid drop targets (dropAcceptor returned true)
    • onDragGestureEnded on the dragged component
  • After a failed drag and drop gesture (no dropAcceptor returned true), the dragged component snaps back to the previous container.
  • If the dragged component does not get added to the scene, container or layout after a valid drag and drop gesture, it is no longer contained anywhere in the scene.
  • Keep in mind that when dealing with situations, where multiple dropAcceptor invocations might return true, that the event onDragDropped gets invoked on multiple /components and no guarantee is given for the order of invocations.

Complete source code for the example

View it on GitHub

fun main() {

class DragAndDropExample : BoardGameApplication("Drag and drop example") {
  private val gameScene: BoardGameScene = BoardGameScene(background = ColorVisual.LIGHT_GRAY)

  private val redToken: TokenView = TokenView(posX = 20, posY = 20, visual = ColorVisual.RED)
  private val greenToken: TokenView = TokenView(posX = 20, posY = 200, visual = ColorVisual.GREEN)

  private val redArea: Area<TokenView> = Area(
      height = 50,
      width = 50,
      posX = 200,
      posY = 20,
      visual = ColorVisual(255, 0, 0, 100)

  private val greenArea: Area<TokenView> = Area(
      height = 50,
      width = 50,
      posX = 200,
      posY = 200,
      visual = ColorVisual(0, 255, 0, 100)

  init {
    redToken.isDraggable = true
    redToken.onDragGestureEnded = { _, success ->
      if (success) {
        redToken.isDraggable = false

    greenToken.isDraggable = true
    greenToken.onDragGestureEnded = { _, success ->
      if (success) {
        greenToken.isDraggable = false

    redArea.dropAcceptor = { dragEvent ->
      when (dragEvent.draggedComponent) {
        is TokenView -> dragEvent.draggedComponent == redToken
        else -> false
    redArea.onDragDropped = { dragEvent ->
      redArea.add((dragEvent.draggedComponent as TokenView).apply { reposition(0, 0) })

    greenArea.dropAcceptor = { dragEvent ->
      when (dragEvent.draggedComponent) {
        is TokenView -> dragEvent.draggedComponent == greenToken
        else -> false
    greenArea.onDragDropped = { dragEvent ->
      greenArea.add((dragEvent.draggedComponent as TokenView).apply { reposition(0, 0) })

    gameScene.addComponents(redToken, greenToken, redArea, greenArea)