
Table of contents
  1. Coordinate
  2. CoordinatePlain


The Coordinate class is used as a Tuple wrapper for X and Y coordinates of a ComponentView. It is created with X and Y coordinates accordingly.

The coordinate class implements plus and minus operator to add or subtract coordinates from each other:

val coord1: Coordinate = Coordinate(xCoord = 5, yCoord = 7)
val coord2: Coordinate = Coordinate(xCoord = -1, yCoord = 5)

val addedCoord: Coordinate = coord1 + coord2 //xCoord = 4, yCoord = 13
val subtractedCoord: Coordinate = coord1 - coord2 //xCoord = 6, yCoord =  2

The equals function returns true if and only if coord1.xCoord == coord2.xCoord && coord1.yCoord == coord2.yCoord.

Additionally, the rotated function can be used to rotate the coordinate by a given angle around a center point.

Common Operators plus, minus, times and divide are defined.


A CoordinatePlain represents a right-angled plain with four corners. These can be accessed by:

val topLeft: Coordinate
val topRight: Coordinate
val bottomLeft: Coordinate
val bottomRight: Coordinate

Additionally, the dimensions get calculated and can be accessed:

val height: Double
val width: Double

The CoordinatePlain can be created by specifying the top-left and bottom-right corner either with Coordinates or X and Y position.

The function rotated function can be used to rotate the 2D plain by a given angle around a center point.